beginning of human life การใช้
- At issue is whether the transplanted nuclear cells are the beginnings of human life.
- The images played an important role in debates about abortion and the beginning of human life.
- This whole mystery about the beginnings of human life is not something that I think has been adequately discussed.
- Of course, the slipperiness of the slope depends on our views about the beginning of human life and the propriety of experimenting with it.
- The problem with this analogy is that the beginning of human life is not a factual question to which we " don't know " the answer.
- Because isolating stem cells for research often involves the destruction of embryos, it has become a new frontier in the international debate over reproduction and the beginning of human life.
- Wherever the line defining the beginning of human life is drawn, supporters of in vitro fertilization would like to avoid equating the clinics'practice with the killing of human beings.
- The Vatican said in a statement Monday that the cloning " moves us to restate with force that the beginning of human life . . . takes place, in reality, already at the first instant of the embryo itself ."
- When America's first test tube baby was born in 1981, the Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine, where she was conceived, found itself at the center of an intense debate over whether scientists should tamper with the beginnings of human life.
- During the 13-day pilgrimage to his homeland that ended Thursday, John Paul called abortion, euthanasia and " unacceptable interventions and forms of experimentation at the very beginning of human life " signs $ ~ Xreal contempt for ma ."
- It is to that instant of impenetrable mystery, the beginning of human life on earth, that our thoughts turn today, as we contemplate the son of God who becomes the son of man, the eternal face of God reflected in the face of a child.
- The Vatican also commented, issuing a statement that said, " The beginning of human life cannot be fixed by convention at a certain stage of embryonic development; it takes place, in reality, already at the first instant of the embryo itself ."
- Reacting to the news that the scientists had cloned a six-cell embryo, the Vatican said that the event " moves us to restate with force that the beginning of human life cannot be fixed by convention at a certain stage of embryonic development; it takes place, in reality, already at the first instant of the embryo itself ."
- "Is it really possible to oppose the destruction of the environment while allowing, in the name of comfort and convenience, the slaughter of the unborn and the procured death of the elderly and the infirm, and the carrying out, in the name of progress, of unacceptable interventions and forms of experimentation at the very beginning of human life ? " he asked as the audience of 150, 000 applauded.
- "Is it really possible to oppose the destruction of the environment while allowing, in the name of comfort and convenience, the slaughter of the unborn and the procured death of the elderly and the infirm, and the carrying out, in the name of progress, of unacceptable interventions and forms of experimentation at the very beginning of human life ? " he asked as the audience of 150, 000 in Zamosc applauded.